Monday, November 20, 2006

Top 10 Don'ts when vacationing in the "islands"

1. Don't wear your bathing suit every where you do. The island isn't one big beach.
2. Don't feed the iguanas. They are like stray, cats they'll keep coming back for more.
3. Don't smoke pot with a Rasta man unless you intend to have his mulato babies.
4. Don't sleep on the beach at night....its just not smart.
5. Don't underestimate the power of the sun. You will get burned.
6. Don't assume the natives can't speak english.
7. Don't get your hair braided with red, yellow and green beads. It's a dead give away.
8. Don't drive on the wrong side of the road. Think England.
9. Don't eat what you cant recognize. ie: mountain chicken isn't chicken its a frog.
10. Don't worry, be happy. You're on vacation in the islands instead of Dorney Park!

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